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The online policy and procedure service for schools
What is School Docs?
SchoolDocs provides a comprehensive core set of policies and procedures applicable to all New Zealand primary, intermediate, secondary, and area/composite schools, that is tailored for each school.
SchoolDocs updates, modifies, and creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team.
For more information go to
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Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd. It may not be reproduced without formal permission from SchoolDocs Ltd. Permission to use copyrighted materials from other sites accessed from this site must be obtained from the copyright owner.
The information provided on this website does not replace or alter the laws of New Zealand and other official guidelines or requirements. SchoolDocs Ltd does not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever, whether in contract, tort, equity, or otherwise, for any action taken, or reliance placed, as a result of reading any part, or all, of the information in this website or for any error, inadequacy, deficiency, flaw in, or omission from the information provided in this website. All links and references to other websites or organisations are provided for convenience only and should not be regarded as endorsement of those websites or of any information contained in those websites.